Can We Just All Play Nice?

As I usually do, I have been pondering the state of the world and what I can do to prevent, or at least slow down what appears to be our collective descent into mindless chaos. Our world seems to be close to a precipice, an critical and potentially auspicious moment in human history. The greatest of all choices lies before us: to live or to die.

When I think about the magnitude of the issues we face, I feel overwhelmed. So instead, I have been focusing on the human part of it, specifically, my human part in it. If I can make any progress in penetrating my own being and developing some type of understanding of my participation in the creation of this endangered world, perhaps it will do some good. Given that I am an eternal spiritual being here to express of the Mind of God through me, my progress will definitely alter the collective experience. As will yours. So it is with this understanding that I share what has been given to me to understand.

Do you remember being in kindergarten? Perhaps you have children or grandchildren who are there now. As I remember it, children of that age love to play and playing is an important activity for them. Many lessons are learned in this process and one of them is I think important to understand because it is germane to our current social condition.

Let’s imagine five children are playing in kindergarten. They have a large assortment of toys to play with but today it building block day. Jimmy, Jane, Joey, Janice and Jerry are playing with wooden blocks, the kind they used to have in my school and maybe yours. These blocks are not all cubes, some are triangles, rectangles and other assorted symmetrical, geometrical shapes. Jimmy and Jane launch into the blocking building immediately and within minutes have amassed a large pile of blocks. They haven’t spent any time building anything, but have plenty to work with. Janice and Jerry sit watching them, wondering what Jimmy and Jane are doing with so many blocks. Joey is starts to build something, but soon realizes that he has no blocks. He looks over to where Jimmy and Jane are and sees that they have a lot of blocks most of which they do not seem to be using.

Joey walks over to the pile that Jimmy and Jane have and begins to pick out some. Suddenly, he is beset with angry cries from the two block hoarders accusing him of taking their blocks. Joey says that they have plenty and he only needs a few. Begrudgingly, they let Joey have a few blocks and he returns to his small creation. Janice and Jerry have only one block each and want more. However, they are reluctant to ask Jimmy and Jane after what happened with Joey. Finally, they decide to approach the piles of unused blocks. Although Jimmy and Jane have already built an impressively tall structure, they are feverishly starting another. When Janice and Jerry approach, they are met with an angry grimace and told they can have none of the blocks. After all, Jimmy and Jane are obviously talented builders and deserve to have all the blocks they want. Jimmy and Jane laugh at the one block structures that Janice and Jerry built and tell them to go away.

So, what do we have here? Two kids hoarding blocks who built huge towers, two kids with virtually nothing to build with and one kid who got to build something, but did not have enough resources to create what he wanted. What does this little allegorical story mean? What is the point?

Well, in my kindergarten, and probably yours, the teacher or an aide would have stopped Jimmy and Jane from taking most all of the blocks. And they would have told these kids that they must share the blocks fairly with the other kids. In other words, it is not ok to take most everything for yourself, leaving little or none for others. Somehow, this simple lesson has been lost in the adult world. Somehow, adults have decided that it is not only ok, but admirable to grab as much stuff as possible and keep it for yourself. Somehow, the rest of us who have been left with little or nothing are ok with it. We must be; we allow it and even admire it. But why? Why would we be ok with what we were not ok with in kindergarten and with what we know is not right, not fair and not what we learned, and even teach our children?

Since we adults are no longer children, most of us probably won’t just accept the admonishment of an authority figure. We probably won’t listen to anyone else tell us what to do with “our” stuff. So the only person who can possibly reach our hearts is ourself. We are the only ones we will listen to really. That means we must retrain ourselves if we wish to have a more peaceful, harmonious existence on this earth. But what is it that we must be retrained in you might ask. We must relearn the essence and meaning of our own humanity.

Our essence has been called by many as Spirit, as a Soul, as a focus of Universal Intelligence flowing through our bodies and expressed in the world. Our meaning, likewise, has been described and discussed for centuries. Some have called our purpose to be of service to others, some have said we are here to express the Will of God or the Universal One Mind. So we have a pretty good idea of our essence and meaning.

The corundum that we  inhabit at this point is that while we are individually and collectively capable of recognizing our essence and understanding our meaning, and in many cases have done so, we also individually and collectively exhibit a complete absence of this consciousness concerning who we are and why we are here. This corundum is no surprise. This separation, this Dharma, has been described and witnessed by many. However, what may be new is that the existence of this corundum is manifesting its duality in increasingly obvious and powerful ways. In other words, this separation, this seemingly unsolvable conflict is seeking to express this conflict in unmistakable terms. Its expression is not balanced or consistent and it’s perception varies in the experience of each person. This is one reason why I believe this is an expression of the corundum  – it is observable in the world around us. It is not esoteric, it is here.

What also seems to be happening is that the demonstration of the corundum, the conflicting forces, seems to be headed for a crescendo. I am not sure what this will look like. I don’t think it will defined by a “winner” and a “loser.” In other words, consciousness will not “win” out over suffering. Victory, if there is such a thing, will be more like a merging of the two forces, as consciousness absorbs the egoic energy that permeates the world and has dominated our existence. The waters of enlightenment are preparing and in some cases, already begun to quench the fires of pain, the torture that has inhabited us and our world. Although I believe much of this is happening in an alternate dimension of our existence, it is making its way into the physical world on a growing scale. The advent of advanced global communications is a manifestation of our growing consciousness and not the other way around. You see, to me, the birth of a new world is not an event we witness as we have others on this earth. The new dimension is visible within each of us as we so choose. The difference today is that the forces of Universal Intelligence have provided a new playground, a new set of parameters to exist within and they are not definable in terms, in the language of the old reality. In a world that has only experienced cold, ice and snow, it is impossible to define a world that knows none of these things. Only by inhabiting a new world can we experience how it is there. So long as we are aware that it is accessible, can we truly be in the new world.

In the new world, it will be possible to play nice. We will not need anyone else’s stuff because we will all have what we need. And most importantly, the existence of want will no longer be. In short, a new definition of the experience of happiness will fill our hearts and the acceptance of this will universally unquestioned. In fact, most questions will cease to exist as well. In the presence of our individual and collective knowing, questions and learning will no longer concern us. This is what I see and what I understand. A new world is unfolding.

Thank you for listening.

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