Christ’s Bones Or What?

Please read the following passage from an article I came across, then we’ll talk about it. Ok? “Almost inconspicuous in the exhibit are six objects that have generated perhaps the most biblical and religious controversy in recent years, the so-called Jesus Tomb ossuaries. Ossuaries are stone boxes that were used to house the bones of…

Got To Keep Writing

Everyday I think about what I want to write on this blog. Sometimes, I even come up with some good ideas. However, as you can see, I don’t post much here. I am trying hard to get over that so I am going to just write something here everyday. It doesn’t have to be profound…

What To Do?

A very interesting thing happened today that tested my commitment to being who I say that I am and what I believe in. But let me back up a little and explain. Here at the occupation in Washington, D.C., there have been a series of disagreements and arguments. Although most people believe in the principles…

You May Not Like Me For This

At the risk of alienating my liberal, progressive and occupy friends and associates, I have a confession to make. In 2009, I almost joined the Tea Party. Well, at least I was considering it. I was attracted to their desire to reign in the power of the federal government and restore our rights which they…

It’s A New Day!

Well, here I am, finally writing my blog! I have been wanting to create a blog site for a long time. Oh, I have created other avenues of internet expression. I have three pages on Face Book: one is my personal page, one is the Hearts Of Fire Project and one is for my music….