Ten Months And Counting

Desert West

Wow, I can’t believe its been ten months since my last post and these are my sins… Whoops, I slipped into my Catholic indoctrination there for a minute (yes, it really is called Catholic Doctrine). Seriously, it has really been a long and very eventful time since I last posted to this blog. I knew I created this blog, it was floating around in the back of mind. It moved to the front of my cerebral cortex the other day when I was thinking about how to consolidate my on line presence. I actually have given it a name – the Cohesive Me Project. Then I realized that I already had a place to consolidate my interests, my projects and everything else I am up to in the world. Not only that, but when I looked at the site, I saw that that had been my intention all along.

Events like this make me wonder if I move around through various dimensions, rediscovering things that I did in one dimension that kind of evaporate from my reality until I return. I don’t know really what happens, but this seems like a plausible explanation. I created this site, set it all up with the stated intention of consolidating my on line presence, then I just abandon it, create a new project months later and then return to find I was already working on the project in the past. Wow. This kind of boggles my mind. I’d better stop thinking about it before I get lost (and no, I am not stoned).

Sorry, I got waylaid by preparing and consuming dinner (leftovers actually) but I am back. Now what was it I was wanting to say here. Oh yeah, the Cohesive Me Project. I want to consolidate all the stuff I am doing in one, informative and hopefully, easily accessible place. Also, I am taking my writing more seriously since it seems others really like it. (Stay tuned for more on this). I noticed that I have been writing, commenting, posting, etc. quite a bit, mostly notably on Face Book. Many of the things I write on line are interesting I think and worth sharing beyond the limited number of people who happen to subscribe to the post I am commenting on. In addition, I have been writing short (and longer) essays for awhile now and those are scattered around my computer, a fallow field for them.

I am also writing a book. This has me writing more often, or least more than I have in the past. I have found that writing is beneficial to me in several ways and possibly to others as well. First of all, it allows me to get out of my head many of the thoughts and concepts that can sometimes torment me. Secondly, writing brings me peace of mind, allowing me to share my thoughts and feelings, particularly those very personal ones that reside in my journal (sorry folks, I have to have at least one place that is private in my life, or at least I hope it is, NSA eavesdropping not withstanding). Thirdly, it dawned on me that if I want to make a contribution that actually benefits others, I need to use those skills and abilities I have to do that. Last but not least, I am not getting any younger. I don’t want to say time is running out because I really don’t know if it is or not, but its safe to say the current version of my body may not last forever.

I was afraid that once I began writing, I would flood the internet with my verbosity. So I will try to be brief, at least in the first of what will no doubt be many posts here. In thinking about the Cohesive Me Project, I searched for models that I think I could emulate. Since I seek to integrate my artistic, activist, author (writing) and speaker expressions into one, powerful persona, I looked for others who have done avsimilar thing. Immediately, author/activist/musician Gilad Altzmon came to mind. I was very impressed when I met him at the Peace House in Washington, D.C. early last year. He was there to talk about his book and perform some music as well. Aside from his powerful book and great music, I was even more amazed by his success in integrating and presenting himself as an author, musician and speaker. I really didn’t know such a thing was possible. I guess I tended to categorize people in one category, with perhaps some minor interests in other areas. I think this kind of thinking limited me in a lot of ways from figuring out how to express myself fully in the world. So I asked Gilhad to advise and mentor me. And he agreed!

I will continue to write and post articles here and share this site through my many other internet portals. I will also post links to whatever I add to my other sites so that they are all accessible from one place, here. I hope I manage to manage my multi-faceted expression in a way that you enjoy reading and that I enjoy writing. After all, I really do love to write. The more I do it the more I seem to like it. My primary writing effort is “the book.” I will share excerpts of it as I go along. This will help me to organize my thoughts and allow me to consider your thoughts as well. I won’t go so far as to say I need co-writers or remote editors, but I will definitely consider all the input I receive from whatever source.

Thank you for your patience and interest. Don’t go away, I’ll be back soon!

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